Best Configs

In this section you can find the best and most popular configs from wide selection of games. If you think that some of the configs are missing or you know about some better configs, you can always contact us and tell your opinion. We are listening.

Best configs 2014

  1. GeT_RiGhT CS:GO config
  2. f0rest CS:GO config
  3. SpawN CS 1.6 config
  4. neo CS 1.6 config
  5. f0rest CS 1.6 config
  6. markeloff CS 1.6 config
  7. Paradox CoD4 config
  8. pasha CS 1.6 config
  9. Default CoD2 config
  10. yitch3 CoD4 config

Best configs 2013

  1. GeT_RiGhT CS:GO config
  2. f0rest CS:GO config
  3. SpawN CS 1.6 config
  4. neo CS 1.6 config
  5. HeatoN CS 1.6 config
  6. LuckEEEr CoD2 config
  7. Paradox CoD4 config
  8. markeloff CS 1.6 config
  9. qLimAxzU CoD4 config
  10. Default CoD2 config

Best configs 2012

  1. seraph CS 1.6 config
  2. LuckEEEr CoD2 config
  3. crow CoD2 config
  4. f0rest CS:GO config
  5. qLimAxzU CoD4 config
  6. Paradox CoD4 config
  7. SpawN CS 1.6 config
  8. HeatoN CS 1.6 config
  9. GeT_RiGhT CS:GO config
  10. King CoD2 config

Best configs 2011

  1. HeatoN CS 1.6 config
  2. f0rest CS 1.6 config
  3. markeloff CS 1.6 config
  4. SpawN CS 1.6 config
  5. strealok CoD4 config
  6. Ex6TenZ CSS config
  7. crow CoD2 config
  8. qLimAxzU CoD4 config
  9. Paradox CoD4 config
  10. Cypher QL config

Best CoD configs

  1. yoda
  2. slize
  3. moose
  4. maxx_
  5. VonoX
  6. duke
  7. flinky
  8. kickR
  9. plaZma
  10. spaR

Best CoD 2 configs

  1. crow
  2. solz
  3. Davy
  4. luckeR
  5. knaller
  6. matrix
  7. Luboshmir
  8. Ozwald
  9. razer
  10. King

Best CoD 4 configs

  1. Paradox
  2. qLimAxzU
  3. Stevy
  4. Mazarini
  5. D1ablo
  6. robyYE
  7. smithz
  8. rivve
  9. Lighters
  10. SoCLoN

Best CS configs

  1. f0rest
  2. markeloff
  3. HeatoN
  4. SpawN
  6. Edward
  7. GeT_RiGhT
  8. n0thing
  9. neo
  10. Walle

Best CS:GO configs

  1. f0rest
  2. GeT RiGhT
  3. FPS.cfg
  4. kase
  5. Fyx
  6. sNk
  7. zakeN
  8. Bot CS:Go
  9. fatux
  10. beather

Best CS: S configs

  1. Ex6TenZ
  2. clayman
  3. PhP
  4. RpK
  5. Nooky
  6. GuardiaN
  7. RattlesnK
  8. shox
  9. WT
  10. TuGuX

Best QL configs

  1. cypher
  2. fox
  3. cooller
  4. rapha
  5. strenx
  6. Av3k
  7. Smoke
  8. Fatal1ty
  9. noctis
  10. l1nkje

Best TF2 configs

  1. appe
  2. Iggy
  3. Psycho
  4. bybben
  5. Enigma
  6. m0re
  7. reptile
  8. Extremer
  9. numlocked
  10. Carnage

Best W: ET configs

  1. mAus
  2. diablo
  3. mystic
  4. Wiesiek
  5. snake
  6. butchji
  7. kot
  8. teKoa
  9. razer
  10. lethal

Best Battlefield configs

  1. Stranger
  2. KiPcK
  3. wajzdik
  4. Phenomz (BF: Bad Company 2)
  5. DgL (BF 1942)

Best FPS configs